Remarkable: Climate Leaders Delivering Climate Neutrality by 2050
REMARKABLE CLIMATE LEADERS supports local leaders to deliver a step change in progress towards carbon neutrality by 2050 in 7 regions across Europe. The Climate Emergency and Energy Transition needs clear leadership, ambition, courage and conviction if our 2050 targets and goals are to be achieved. REMARKABLE creates a network of current and emerging Climate Leaders who, through their actions and inspiration, will drive their municipalities, public authorities, communities and regions. They will transform their approaches from one focused mainly on energy efficiency/renewables to one focused on the strategic goal of climate neutrality by 2050.
The REMARKABLE CLP will also facilitate the creation of 60 Roadmaps for public authorities aiming at Climate Neutrality by 2050. These Roadmaps will allow our Climate Leaders to translate strategic aspirations and policy ambitions into concrete and disruptive far reaching measures. The 7 Regional Energy Agencies involved in REMARKABLE will develop 14 Climate Neutrality services to expand their roles as change agents in the Clean Energy Transition and Climate Neutrality challenges.
Climate Leadership Programme
As a part of Remarkable Horizon2020 project, Tipperary Energy Agency delivered a Climate Leadership Programme for climate leaders in Tipperary to demystify Climate Neutrality. Tipperary Energy Agency supported our climate leaders to develop Roadmaps for Climate Neutrality before 2050. In our engagement with local climate leaders we received feedback that communication training on climate neutrality is needed for current and emerging leaders. Tipperary Energy Agency is developing tools that our leaders can use to communicate. If you or your organisation are interested to participate you can contact us by email.
Lisa Vaughan
[email protected]