- 600 Smart LED lights to be installed in Thurles, Drangan and Clonoulty.
- This SMART-SPACE Lighting Project is 60% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the transnational cooperation programme Interreg North-West Europe.
- This Lighting Project will contribute to CO2 reduction for Tipperary.
Public Street Lighting
Public street lighting is accountable for 35% of Tipperary County Council’s energy consumption. Upgrading an old streetlight to a standard LED can reduce energy costs by up to 50%. Currently, 28% of Tipperary’s total public street lighting is LED. Going a step further and installing Smart Lighting can result in even more energy savings and reduce CO2 emissions. As part of the Interreg North West Europe SMART-SPACE Project, working with 12 partners throughout Europe, Tipperary County Council is piloting smart lighting systems in Thurles, Drangan and Clonoulty. A smart lighting system uses technology such as motion detectors to monitor movement and adjusts the lighting accordingly.
Interactive Lighting
Liam Brett, Tipperary County Council, Roads Senior Engineer, said “The lighting will be monitored closely after installation and if the evidence proves to be reliable then an informed decision can be made by the council to invest in further smart lighting for the remaining 17,400 street lights in the county. This would further assist us with achieving our target CO2 reduction in Tipperary”.
Reduce Energy Consumption
Cathaoirleach of Tipperary County Council, Cllr. Marie Murphy said “This pilot scheme, in cooperation with our European partners, shows what can be achieved when we work together for the good of our communities. It has never been so important to reduce energy consumption as it is now in the context of climate change. Tipperary County Council can be a leader and show the way in this important endeavour.”
Siona Daly, Acting CEO of Tipperary Energy Agency said “We expect to see annual energy savings of approximately 150,000kWh, which is the equivalent electricity required to power nineteen homes in a year. Furthermore, if this SMART-SPACE lighting project proves to be a success in Tipperary, it could impact national policy and decision making on public lighting which could be invaluable as the National Public Lighting Retrofit Project starts to gain traction.”